Sunday, September 28, 2014

C4K Summary for September

For the month of September I have been assigned different students blogs across the world. Included in these post are students from across the world. One in Auckland, NZ and another in Canada. I enjoyed communicating with these students because I know it reassures them that people are interested in what thoughts they have. In one fifth grade students blog I commented on, she engaged the question about what a mathematician does. She stated that a mathematician must enjoy math. I commented back asking if she enjoyed math and asked what other subjects she likes. On, Jorja's Blog, she discussed going to a recent Storyline Festival. Here different authors shared their books by reading them to the students. Jorja said if she were to share one of her stories, she would present it in a song. I agreed with her that would be a great approach and asked what kinds of stories the authors shared at Storyline Festival. Another post I commented on Jorja's blog described more about the authors at Storyline Festival. I told Jorja it is great to learn more about the authors to better understand the style and stories they produce. I look forward reading more students blogs.

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