Sunday, September 14, 2014

Search Engines

#1: WolframAlpha- I researched about the search engine to see when it was created and for what purpose. Mainly WolframAlpha was created for mathematical calculations but now it has become so much more. When I was researching I found this site, Awesome Things You can do with WolframAlpha. This site gives 32 different things that WolframAlpha can research for you and gives you the answer immediately. For example, one can simply find nutritional values of food and can also customize it. Another cool thing about this search engine is it is great with probabilities. Math equations can no longer be such a headache!I plan on using this search engine in the future because of the instant view of answers instead of a long list of links.
#2: Ixquick- This search engine allows for a lot of privacy. When I first opened the search engine, it stated, "the world's most private search engine". This seems like a reliable search engine that ensures your security.
#3: DuckDuckGo- Like Ixquick, it does not share or require personal information. This is another secure search engine that does not have all the adds and spam like Yahoo or Goggle can have at times.
#4: TheFind- Shopping for the best deal is important. This allows the shopper to compare prices, find different items locally, and gives over thousands of options for the shopper. This engine also includes online stores as well.
#5:Trulia- I used this a few months ago when my boyfriend and I were searching for an apartment in the area. It lets the shopper save homes and apartments based on needs. It even connects the user to a real estate agent when looking for a house in the area.
#6:LinkedIn- Business-based search engine that allows users to look and connect for other professionals. This is a good tool for employers to connect to employees and a way to create a resume online.
#7: Youtube- Gives entertainment at one click! I use Youtube on a daily basis because I love to watch videos online for a laugh, or listen to music while cleaning.
#8: Monster- This is another professional search engine. Professionals can post resumes to jobs around the country. It is very easy for users and makes it easier to find a job when moving.


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