In the beginning of this class, I was not familiar with how a PLN should work. To start with, I made a Twitter. I now have found several other students and teachers with my same interests. For example, Dr. Vitulli taught my class how Twitter can be used to connect one with so many others. Then, I learned how to begin building my PLN. Blogging has actually become very fun for me now. I think after this class I will continue to blog. Some examples of PLN I use are Pinterest, Facebook, and Blogger. Of course with all of these networks, one is able to connect to others with similar interests and a lot of times a common goal. When I use Pinterest, I share my ideas for projects, quotes, and teaching projects. I follow others that post things I like as well. Facebook has become an easy way to communicate with family and friends across the world. My sister is currently living in Alaska. The distance makes it hard to communicate but with technology we are able to talk everyday. Of course these are common PLN, there are many more resources to cater everyone's need. I am very glad I learned more about how to use PLN and how to find more PLN.
Great post! I also have found twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook very useful. With twitter the big thing is hashtags, I was able to pull many things up with a hashtag. I love Pinterest because I can receive great teaching ideas as well as share ideas. Facebook is a great communication tool for family and friends. From sharing how your day went to pictures of events Facebook is a very useful tool.