Sunday, November 16, 2014


ScienceThis week I choose to comment on Darren Fix' blog about science. The video about which ice cube would melt faster on which plate was great to watch. This would be a wonderful experiment for students to try in the classroom. It is cheap, quick, and creates critical thinking. I comment on Mr. Fix's blog explaining that I found this video to be quick and agreed that this was a great way to create critical thinking. Below I have posted a link to Mr. Fix's blog so all can watch the different melting rates. Enjoy like I did!

Melting Rates

For this week, I commented on Josh Stumpenhorst's blog. He made a blog post about teachers pushing back. Mr. Stumpenhorst explains pushing back further. Teachers should always consider what is best for the students, since they are the ones working with students daily. Later, Mr. Stumpenhorst gives more details by stating that there are certain ways to push back. One should be professional and clear about the problem at hand. I could not agree more with Mr. Stumpenhorst. I believe it is easy to be complacent but one should think critically about what is best for the students. This post really made me think not only about my future career but also in my daily life.

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