Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post #10

BirdsAfter watching the interview with Mrs. Cassidy, I learned a lot about how she uses technology in her classroom. Through her video, Little Kids...Big Potential, she gives the audience her insight on the best ways to use the technology of the 21st century. She tells the audience about how the use of Skype and Wikis can help her students grow their own personal learning networks. It was also great to see how the children's writing improved from participating in posting blogs. In the next video, Interview with Mrs. Cassidy, Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy discuss how important the usage of technology in the classroom is. I have to agree with this. I know that technology will only keep advancing and as a teacher, we should have an open mind. Mrs. Cassidy makes it clear that one should begin with his or her own interest. For example, if one is interested in sharing videos then YouTube and DiscoveryEd would be great resources. One thing I will use very often as a teacher is the SMARTboard. After completing Project 12, I have learned that the SMARTboard is capable of many fun activities and can be very helpful in the classroom. Another use of technology I will use will be blogging. I feel that this blog has made me a better writer and I have also learned so much about myself. I feel that this will be beneficial for my students because they will be able to improve on their writing skills. Some problems I could have with these techniques is that sometimes technology will not be working. I may have to change my lesson due to students not being able to use the internet. I feel students will like to be able to use technology in the classroom because they will have fun while learning.


  1. Hello Logan! this is Melissa Keeler. I totally agree with your last statement about having technology in the classroom makes it more fun for the students. If we keep our lessons engaging the students will retain more information because they are excited about the topic.

  2. Melissa,
    Thank you for your comment! I think it is proven that technology can make students have more fun.

  3. Good.

    "I may have to change my lesson due to students not being able to use the internet."
    Teachers always have to be flexible because sometimes, the power might randomly go out or school might open late or close early due to weather. So it's important to always have a backup plan!

  4. Rebecca,
    Thank you for your comment! You are correct, teachers must be flexible.
